
Physical Disability


Job Seeking for Disabled Individuals


Deaf/ Blindness

www.deafblind.com Site of resources and information about deafblindness but also has many useful links to helpful sites for other types of disability.

Blindness/ Visual Impairment

www.afb.org American Foundation for the Blind
www.nyise.org New York Insititute for Special Education

Hearing Loss/ Deafness

www.hearingloss.org Self help for hard-of-hearing individuals.

Intellectual Disability

www.jpkf.org/mrsites Links page to Cognitive and Developmental Disability resources.
www.dpa.org.sg/DPA/links Singapore-based site which has several good links for intellectually disabled people.

Amputee Resources and Support

www.amputee-coalition.org Amputee Coalition of America

Colostomy/ Stomal Therapy

The United Ostomy Association (UOA) is a voluntary organisation to support individuals with urostomy, colostomy or ileostomy. Contains useful links to similar organisations throughout the world.

Physical Trauma, Accident, and Injury

General Support for Trauma Survivors

www.istss.org International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
www.sidran.org Sidran Traumatic Stress Foundation
www.manyvoicespress.com International support for victims of trauma and dissociation

Many victims of physical trauma may later develp symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). You will find the sites listed below will lead you towards further information and support for PTSD sufferers.

www.giftfromwithin.org The Gift-From-Within is a non profit organisation for victims of PTSD
www.ncptsd.org National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
www.ptsdalliance.org Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Alliance (this site recieves an educational grant from Pfizer Inc)

Burn Survivors


Road Trauma Survivors

www.roadtraumasupport.org.au Tasmanian site providing information and support for road accident victims
www.rebuildtrauma.org Information and support for drivers involved in road trauma events

Aviation Accident Survivors

www.wingsoflight.org Wings of Light Inc is a non profit charity based in Phoenix, Arizona. It facilitates support for survivors of aviation accidents and families of victims.
www.planesafe.org National Air Disaster Alliance is based in Washington DC.

Landmine Survivors

www.landmines.org.uk Information, resources and support for landmine victims in multiple countries
Rediscover Hope
Strategies for Life's Tough Times
Physical Trauma / Disability
Useful Resources
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