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Useful Resources
There are many useful links which have be added to this website. Each of these are checked for authenticity and quality. The integrity and independence of this site is absolutely paramount. The links will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

Most of our links concentrate on the USA, United Kingdom and Australia. This does not reflect any particular bias or agenda. It is entirely a practical issue. Eventually we aim to expand our resources to include a diverse range of countries. People from non English speaking backgrounds will not be forgotten.

It all takes time and work! Please be patient. One of the primary objectives of this site is to offer support to people in remote areas or in developing countries who might not have access to support services. If you live in a village in Africa, a city in Asia or even in the jungle in Bolivia your input is welcomed. A broken heart is the same in all languages and religions!

Click on a category to view the links
Rediscover Hope
Strategies for Life's Tough Times