Time for Courage and Commonsense. Seek help now!
Deciding to seek help in overcoming life's problems frequently requires considerable courage...In many cases we simply believe that our problems are simply too difficult and we lose hope for an effective solution. ...more>
Expert Advice
Here are a selection of articles that are intended to be a brief discussion of important issues.  Each article refers the visitor to other information and provides some uplifting and helpful advice.
Self Esteem  
Great News! You are important. Several times each day we are compelled to make valuations of our self-worth. These judgements have profound impacts upon all aspects of our life. ...>more
Taking opportunities - lessons from the world of spiders      
Many people bemoan the lack of opportunities in their lives. They feel that they
are missing out on the full spectrum of rewards that life has to offer. Because
they percieve no opportunities, they have no sense of hope. ...more>
Positive Thinking? It's positively healthy                               
There are many different factors that may determine the course of medical illnesses. ...medical care, time of diagnosis, illness severity and individual
immune response all have a measurable impact on illness progression. ...more>
Gaining Acceptance
Many situations in everyday life place us in situations where we must gain acceptance. Our personal relationships, career and recreational pursuits all require us to be judged or assessed from time to time. ...more>
Who wants to be a Volunteer                                                   
People volunteer for a huge number of reasons from wanting to 'make a difference' to simply having fun. ...Volunteers also gain an extensive portfolio of skills and experience which can be crucial in the future. ...more>
Discover the Power of Perception                                            
Our perceptions can significantly compound personal problems or even preclude a solution. ...perceptions cause us to feel inappropriately guilty, angry or frustrated. ...challenging our perceptions can lead to healing... more>
Rediscover Hope
Strategies for Life's Tough Times
Laughter. It really is the best medicine!                                      
Having a good laugh does much more than simply lift our spirits. There has been increasing recognition in recent years of the important role that humour can play in coping with the very worst that life can offer. ...more>
Have A Dream. You deserve one!                     
Many of the most extraordinary achievements of mankind have started as impossible dreams. ...many ordinary individuals have fulfilled personal dreams... have triumphed over difficulties including chronic illness... more>
Disclosing Our Emotions... Does It Matter?
There is a widely-held belief that expression of emotions is beneficial to wellbeing. Popular culture sometimes tells us that it is healthy to cry and release bottled up feelings. ...>more
Act Now. Healing starts today!
Life is full of excuses for procrastination. Some of these excuses for delay or inaction sound more convincing than others. Few of these excuses are legitimate reasons to avoid making choices ....>more
Expert Advice
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