"Hope is to our spirits what oxygen is to our lungs. Lose hope and you die.         They may not bury you for awhile, but without hope you are dead inside.         The only way to face the future is to fly straight into it on the wings of               hope....hope is the energy of the soul.  Hope is the power of tomorrow."
                                                                                              Lewis Smedes
Welcome to www.rediscoverhope.com
Strategies for Life's Tough Times
Rediscover Hope
Rediscover  Hope provides a comprehensive  resource for  rebuilding hope and happiness  in your life. This website  contains useful,  practical and authoritative  information and advice on a wide range of everyday issues. You will  learn to build self-esteem and develop effective coping strategies for overcoming life's challenges and problems. You will discover uplifting positive role models  and understand  how their  personal  experiences  can guide you towards healing and lasting happiness. Rediscover Hope provides comfort, while giving support and encouragement in  times of  trouble and confusion. Our  sincere wish is  to help  you discover improved health, happiness and personal well-being.

Rediscover  Hope is entirely  free.  Our simple  aim is to harness  the power of the internet to help  make  the  world  a  slightly  better  place.  Since  the  construction  of  this  website, a  considerable  amount of  material  has  been  presented. During  the next  few months, a large amount of additional  information and  resources will be added. We hope you keep  visiting and we'll  embrace  you  warmly!   We  will continue  to add  useful and  informative  articles, news stories and  highlight positive role models. There will  always be inspiration, humor and positive energy. Share the journey of hope and inspiration with us.

Rediscover Hope contains all the following:
Expert Advice
News Stories
Useful Resources
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.......... Eleanor Roosevelt